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www.americantruths.com A Bridge Between Curiosity and Understanding
Hear primary source quotations from the 15th and 16th centuries used to explain and debate the events, controversies, and legacies of the first 100 years of interaction between Spaniards and the Indigenous People of the western hemisphere.

Norumbega to New EnglandMusic of Andanzas
Choosing our Heroes
Choosing Our Heroes Audio Album Choosing our Heroes
Audio Album (5 cassette tapes)
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In this six and one-half hour audio program, divided into eleven sections, the first 100 years of the Spanish presence in the Western Hemisphere is presented through historic documented quotations written by Spaniards and Indigenous People who lived in the 15th and 16th centuries.

The "words" include those of Spanish explorers, imperialists, religionists, entrepreneurs, employees, and colonists, as well as those who debated the Rights and Wrongs and Effects of Spain's activities in the Americas. Also featured are the beliefs, reactions, and opinions of Indigenous People, who are represented by their 16th century poems, prose and letters, and through interviews and observations of them that were documented by Spanish priests, travellers and journalists.

All of these documented materials are dramatically presented with historically relevant music, and by four Speakers:

  • The Indigenous Voice
  • The Forceful Spanish Imperialist
  • The Persuasive Spanish Religionist, and
  • The Child's Voice (Who begins the program and calls to mind the present and the future)
(5 cassette-tape set)

Choosing Our Heroes Course Book
Choosing Our Heroes
98 page Course Book

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This companion Course Book includes A Course Structure, Suggested Discussion Topics, a Bibliography and Recommended Reading List, plus copies of primary source documents, engravings, and maps.

Choosing Our Heroes Set
Audio Album and Course Book
One Set
Audio Album &
Course Book

per set
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20 or More Sets

per set
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MP3 samples
from Choosing Our Heroes

  1. Why is this Program Important
  2. 1493 - Christopher Columbus, in his own words
  3. Our Sources - 15th & 16th century Eyewitnesses, Theorists and Funders
  4. 1588 - A Lament and Protest by philosopher Michel de Montaigne
  5. A 20th century poem by Natalio Hernandez Xocoytzin, Indigenous visionary.

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Reviews of
Choosing Our Heroes

"In my country, Indigenous People, like my grandparents, live in villages that keep to themselves. I lost contact with them when my family moved to the city, so I did not learn their old stories. The city schools taught us that "Columbus discovered America" and that he helped the Indigenous People, who welcomed him and gave him presents.

Through this program, "CHOOSING OUR HEROES," I have discovered the truth. I am excited to learn about the governments, the beauty, and the sophistication of the Indigenous cultures that were here long before Columbus arrived. I now respect their hard-work and achievements, and I am sad to learn of their suffering.

Having all this new information on audio tapes makes it more easy to understand. And the historic maps and pictures in the Course Book make the material more clear.

In my opinion, it is very important for adults, teachers, and especially young people to know and pass-on what really happened in the past, rather than believing lies. Living in ignorance of the truth can paralyze people, make them stuck. But knowing the truth can inspire people and make them move and find ways to develop and progress."
-Liduvina Bustos,of Managua, Nicaragua, now living in Boston, MA, USA

"The information in the "CHOOSING OUR HEROES" tapes and Course Book is an important achievement in anti-racism, anti-oppression multicultural education.

This meticulously researched and authentic historical material presents difficult American truths in an honest and compassionate way that can bring people together."
-Kilpatrick Associates - A Diversity Services and Anti-Oppression Collaborative in Massachusetts, founded by Jake Kilpatrick, MA, anti-opression educator; and Dakota Rowland, social justice activist. Jake and Dakota co-facilitated the "Anti-Racism Alternative to Columbus Day" in Boston MA on October 12th, 1996 and 1997.

"Using intriguing, revealing and sometimes amusing historic quotes from many perspectives, this presentation creates a convincing tapestry of 'American Truths.' Hopefully, your tapes will help broaden our narrow conventional perspective about history and about life in general."
-Bruce H. Price, MD, Chief of the Department of Neurology, McLean Hospital, Harvard University Medical School

"We need to call on the expertise, experience, and wisdom of Indigenous People as we seek solutions to the problems of the new century."
Kofi Annan, Secretary-General of the United Nations, 1997

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