In 1614, Captain John Smith was the first European map-maker to change the label for this area from the Abenaki word
"Norumbega" to "New" England, a label that had been used
informally by writers and explorers since the 1580s. Hear primary sources from those times relate the economic, political, religious, and social reasons-for and effects-of that change.
Norumbega to New England Audio Album (2 cassette tapes)
This 90 minute audio-program is divided into 4 sections and features historically relevant music and 3 speakers.
- The Native Voice
- The Pilgrim Perspective
- The English Agenda
The sources we quote begin in 1524 with an Italian explorer's observations of the People and Land of Norembega, and end in 1620, shortly after the Pilgrims arrived on the Mayflower. In between, we trace Native and European interaction as documented in explorers journals, business agendas, religious sermons and royal decisions. (2 cassette tape set) |
Norumbega to New England 203 page Course Book
This 203 page Course Book with Discussion Topics and Historically Relevant Documents, Engravings, Maps, Outline and Bibliography is based on the Norumbega to New England Tapes. |
Norumbega to New England Set
Audio Album and Course Book |
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Reviews of Norumbega to New England
"The Norumbega tape is fabulous, vibrant, relevant and gripping!!! What a great way to share these historical materials . . . and what possibilities for students of all ages! My 10 year old daughter sat there listening, apparently mesmerized and engrossed. I knew the information already, but experienced new excitement and insight through the way you presented it."
-Peter Lenz, Maine historian, educator, lecturer, folklorist and author
"You brought an exciting and creative approach to understanding issues of the American Indian Culture. Your spectacular presentation provided us with important information and strategies that can enhance our efforts to build a community where all people feel welcome, respected and secure."
-Victoria Theoharides, Multicultural Specialist, Quinsigamond College, Worcester MA
"The content is very interesting and informative; and the delivery is riveting."
---Alan Joseph Gagne (Yaqui Indian) Host of the cable TV show "Today's Native American Indian"
"Besides having an impact, this was an enjoyable way to learn history."
-Scott Emory, student at Anna Maria College, Paxton MA
"Every time I listen to this tape I am more impressed with the thoroughness of research and thoughtfulness of telling an honest story. All whom I've shared it with are similarly enthusiastic and impressed. You have expertly woven known but seemingly dry quotations from the 17th century into a script that gives a much more complete view of this part of the world than any book I have ever read. Furthermore, your research and mode of presentation have made my own work stronger and impacted our exhibits at this museum."
-Holly Izzard, Social & Material Culture Historian and Research Curator, Worcester (MA) Historical Museum
"As a descendant of the Mayflower Pilgrims, I am grateful to learn about the times in which they lived and the complexity of their situation. 'Norumbega to New England' is especailly meaningful and profound because it tells that history through the original words of those involved, not just generalizations about them. Thank you."
-Cushman Anthony, at the 1997 yearly meeting of New England Quakers at Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine
"This country did so ravish vs all with variety of pleasantness, as the
farther we went, the more pleasing it was. Many of our Company who had
beene trauellers in sundry countries and in the most famous Rivers, yet
affirmed them not comparable to this they now beheld, and wished
themselues setled heere, not expecting any further hopes, or better
disouery to be made."
James Rossier, on a 1605 voyage to what is now called Maine
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